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Laboratory of Applied Entomology
Graduate School of Horticulture, Chiba University
Matsudo , Chiba 271- 8510 Japan
Tel / Fax: +81-47-308-8828

Associate Professor Masashi NOMURA
e-mail: nomuram (at) faculty.chiba-u.jp
Assistant Professor Yasuyuki CHOH
e-mail: choh (at) faculty.chiba-u.jp
The Laboratory of Applied Entomology and Zoology was established in 1951 at the Matsudo Campus of Chiba University. Since then a large number of national and foreign students were not only awarded academic degrees from this laboratory but also provided high skills and professional trainings needed in the area of Applied Entomology and Zoology. Most of the research emphasis is given to the beneficial as well as mite and insect pest species that inhabit horticultural crops. The studies on mammal and bird species of horticultural importance were also carried out in the past. However, most of the present studies are concentrated on insect and mite species.
The laboratory is located in the center of Matsudo city, a beautiful city in the suburb of Tokyo. By train it takes 1 hour to reach main campus (Nishi Chiba) of Chiba University, 30 minutes to reach Tokyo metropolitan and 1 hour to reach New Tokyo International Airport (Narita).
Research Facility
The laboratory is equipped with modern research equipments and instruments needed for the conduction of research in the area of Applied Entomology and Zoology. Besides, it has a small field area and greenhouses facility for cultivation of horticultural crops. It has a capacity of 20-25 students (research, undergraduate, graduate, and postgraduate) per year. Currently most of students enrolled at the laboratory are Ph.D., Master, and Bachelor candidates. However, non-degree students (researcher) are also encouraged to join this laboratory. In the past a number of researchers had joined the laboratory and upgraded their knowledge and professional experiences. The research supervisors staffed at the laboratory are really kind and their global professional approaches to build mind of students are friendly and unique. Therefore, most of the students enrolled here not only gain higher academic degrees to their record but also have a number of opportunities to get extra skills and dynamic professional experiences.
Research Focus
Currently 22 insect and mite species (pests and beneficials) on 16 host plant species are under various investigations. Most of the research work is being focused on the following major areas of studies:
・Biology and management of horticultural crops pests by using principal and philosophy of IPM
・Use of beneficial species (parasitoids and predators) as biological control agents of crop pests
・Phenology of pests and beneficial species
・Classification of insectspecies
・Molecular studies of insect population
・Selectivity of pesticides to various beneficial species
・Conservation and augmentation of beneficial species
・Behavioral and ecological aspects of pests and beneficial species
Research Presentations and Publications
The research outcomes are presented in scientific meetings and published in scientific journals. The students usually have opportunities to present their research work in annual national as well as international scientific meetings, conferences, congresses workshops, symposiums etc. Students are also assisted and supervised to publish their research work in scientific journals of their own choices.
Ph.D. Students
Yun Jung Bom
Aoi Hashiyama
Masayuki Hayashi
Master Students
Kiyoaki Igarashi
Homura Tonooka
Takeshi Yamada
Ryoko Iguchi
Shun Takagi
Makiko Tsuchiya
Hisataka Ohara
Bachelor Students
Kyohei Nitta
Haruka Kakuta
Kazuhiko Tamai
Fumiya Nishio
Shiho Yamaguchi
Tomohiro Horiguchi
Chisato Ishiwata